I cannot wait to see the back of this BACK PAIN!!

Natalie • Baby Davis #1 🎊❤️👶🏼 #Novermber18baby #love #support #family #blessed

Hey all you beautiful mamas and mamas-to-be! Need some 1st trimester advice please!?

So I’m 8 weeks with first little bambino and for the past 2/3 days I’ve had the worse back pain I’ve ever experienced, I’m crying constantly in pain; massages, vibrating back massagers, heat pads, ice and paracetamol has done sweet FA to get rid of this pain.

Does anyone know if this will go away? It’s gotten to the point I need help getting up (if hubby isnt about then begins the epic struggle like a tortoise on its back😂) and I have had to use a walking stick to constantly get around, plus needing to pee every 20 or so minutes has really not helped at all! I know it’s everything expanding but sometimes it’ll shoot down either leg or butt cheek which just really takes the biscuit when I’m trying to relieve myself 🤨🤦🏼‍♀️

This pain is worse than my arthritis, which has gone into hiding since becoming pregnant (bonus🤩bonus) and I’ve never had back problems associated with it so I know it’s not that.....urghhhhhhhh I just want my little nugget here already I’m too impatient and hate being in pain.

Any advice or remedies will literally be better than a bag of chips from the fish&chip; shop right now (damn these cravings in the countryside😂😂)