It isn’t that great?

So, I guess I’m just looking for some affirmation here.

I don’t really get horny. Like, I think about sex, and I can get myself turned on, but it takes a*lot* of effort and it doesn’t last long. I masturbate and orgasm and it feels great in the moment, but it’s not something I find myself really actively wanting. I do it and it’s done and that’s it.

I’m not super sexually active; the farthest I’ve ever gone with a guy is oral. And again, it was good in the moment and he got me off, but then it was done and I was ready to move on. When I think about sex it tends to be more objective than anything. I’m attracted to guys and I’m attracted to the idea of sex, but it’s not something I crave like other people seem to.

I tried to talk to my best friend about this, but she’s horny af, so she was next to no help. When I told her I don’t really get horny her response was “I’m sorry.”

Sorry for the long post, I guess I’m just looking for someone to tell me that this isn’t as weird as it feels. As a college aged female, it really makes me feel like an outlier.