Love hime to death but, he drives me crazy sometimes...


So I make dinner and asked my boyfriend if he could put our son to bed tonight because the house was a mess and I really wanted to clean it. He tells me yes. We're sitting down for dinner and he doesnt touch any of it. Then he starts talking about a pillow case of our sons pillow then starts looking for it. My son and I are basically done with our food at this point so i just decide that i will put him to bed because what tf is the point of waiting around for him. What is driving me so crazy is he said he was hungry, so I made him his food then he doesnt touch it and almost immediately after I ask him to put our son to bed he decides to get invested in something that will take god knows how long. I know my pregnancy hormomes are probably flaring right now and i shouldn't be mad about this, but i am. all the nights i put this kid to bed, just once i would like to clean my house before me energy goes away 👿 rant over.