Losing my mind

My boyfriend likes to “forget” plans and promises that he’s made to me about sleepovers. Every single week something about a sleepover comes up, and he’s just like “yeah, that’d be cool” and then he would just drop it all together and I’m just like, “dude, can I sleep over?” His excuses are always “it’s too late to ask” “I’m busy this Friday”. Like, make some goddamn time for me. It’s been since February and I’m getting really pissed off.

Today even, I asked if he wanted to come with me out of town, and he was like “nah, I wanna chill in my room all day” and not even halfway through the day he’s like “****** asked me to hang out with him, so I’m going to.” What the fuck?????

EDIT: Lmao, just now he texted “I wanna cuddle” and i just replied “had your chance”. I don’t care if I’m throwing shade anymore. This is getting old.