Dear Love

We met as freshman in separate colleges. I wanted to hook up with random guys to gain experience. When I met you I changed my mind. I deleted Tinder and texted you nearly every day. A month later we met at Grand Central Station. I was nervous and hid in the bathroom. After managing to pull myself together, I searched for you by your favorite restaurant. Shake Shack. That night was fun. We were both very shy. It was my first time alone in the city. My family was celebrating my uncles birthday a few blocks away. We made plans to meet the next day. I got sick and lost my voice, but we still spent time together.

For some time afterwards, I still wondered if I wanted to truly date you. I was still recovering from the abuse my ex put me through. We met nearly every weekend until you had to leave in December. I forgot to bring your birthday gift after spending so much time putting it together. We got along so well. I introduced you to my mother before you left. She adored you. That winter break was miserable for me. I couldn't see you for a month. Puerto Rico was too far from New York. We didn't talk much because your mother made you work 14 hours nearly every day. When I saw you again I was so giddy. I couldn't eat I just wanted to hug you. That was when I knew I truly loved you. To this day you still pick on me for not finishing my food.

You gave me rose gold earrings and rings from pandora. I loved them. Even though the earrings hurt my ears, I wore them to the basketball games I cheered at. At my last game, you came to see me. You met my father. The two of you sat behind me, chatting and cheering with my team.

We spent more and more time together. I skipped classes to see you. We stayed with my mother so we could have privacy from our nosey roommates. Then the summer came. This time to combat the long separation, I came to visit you for my birthday. It was my first time traveling alone. Your family welcomed me like we had known each other for forever. Still, the bliss only lasted a short while. Most days I stayed home while you worked. I cleaned up after all your mothers pets. When it was almost time for me to leave, your parents insisted on me staying for a month. So I did. We went to Isla Verde most days. Or we went to the mall. You bought me a build-a-bear that says "I love you" in your voice.

When it was almost time for me to go, we both cried. Desperately we spent more time together. I would go to work with you and help out. My Spanish was no good, so you told me what customers wanted. I learned the names for all the food and drinks. How to stock the freezer. Everything. But then I had to go home. You stayed up all night. I fell asleep. You woke me up when it was time to go. I took off your clothes and put mine on. The ride to the airport was quiet. We held hands while Childish Gambino played on the radio. We cried when I boarded the plane. I sobbed for most of the trip home.

The summer went by without a hiccup. I spent time with my father. I went on a family trip that you were supposed to be there for, but your uncle had passed away. Your parents left you to run the store with your brother. The trip was almost a dream for me. I spent most of my time texting you and sitting on the windowsill, wishing you were there. My sisters came and brightened up the trip for me.

The college you go to lost your papers for housing a week before classes started. I offered you the choice of living with me. We bickered over if you should move in with me. Your aunt and uncle said it would end badly. You gave me a chance and moved in. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. I was so happy to always be able to see you. I didn't even know I saved you from the hurricanes until they came.

Our greatest adventure so far has been raising two kittens. My phone died the day of my great aunts wake. I had a wedding the next day, so I was getting my hair done. On the way home, I found a kitten and knew I had to bring it home. You waited at the bus stop worried until I ran to you. I sobbed so hard that you couldn't understand until you opened the box. Nova was a miracle that warmed my heart. The wedding came the next day after I stayed up bottle feeding a kitten while my sisters stayed over. We had a long day. I bought you a suit with my father a month before. You looked so stunning. The wedding was a great celebration. We snuck some wine home with us. We fell asleep in the same bed at the hotel, cuddled together. We both woke up late to my sisters knocking on the door. It's one of my fondest memories.

Ever since then everything has been great. Maybe not your time at McDonald's and how I have to walk there to get us food. At night, I admire you. You hate cuddling when you're awake, but at night you always end up on my pillow. Right now I'm facing the fact that you will be gone for four months. I'll only spend a week with you so I can get home to our kittens sooner. It makes me sad, but you do it to please your parents. Both of your brothers refuse to go back to help. My mother seems upset with your decision, but I know I'll be fine. I'll pick up a new hobby, get a job, and spend time with my family so I wont get too lonely.

I love you so much. Even when you snore so loud or forget to do the chores. I'll miss you, but for right now I'll spend as much time as I can living in the moment. You're my dork. The boyfriend that doesn't know how to dress at times or says words funny. ♡