Mom shaming

Tiffany • 💕Mommy 06/13/18 ❤️ baby #2 due March 2020! taken 10/28/16😍 boy momma🥰 C-section momma💪🏻

So i downloaded this app when i was struggling while ttc, and i thought the women ttc were catty, rude, and just downright nasty. Until I started reading stories and seeing comments from "the perfect moms" its honestly heartbreaking to see how judgemental you women are, I've seen women on here tell other mothers because they choose to get an epidural they're weak, or because they formula feed they gave up or are lazy, or the moms like myself who find the obscene onesies with the cuss words hilarious be told we're trash and don't deserve to be parents, or the parents who do believe in spankings are abuse to their children, all i have to say to you Mrs. perfect Mommy is when your child is coddled, spoiled, disrespectful, and rude because you want to be judgemental and disrespectful to other mothers remember this much, You did NOT carry my child in your womb, you did NOT birth my child, You do NOT get to tell me how to Feed, dress nor discipline my child and Until you live my life, & pay my bills, You better Learn your place Mrs. Perfect Mommy because your method is just different than mine, not better. So ladies if your that woman who feels the need to put another mother down don't do it remember your side of the track is different. not better than someone elses.

**I'm not saying I believing in spanking my child its just an example**