New roommate=No time for fun with SO

My fiances best friend just moved in with us while he's in between living spaces (was living with girlfriend, they broke up, and now he's saving up for his own place). He's a great guy, really chill, respectful, etc.. anyway, he's only been here about a week and the only issue that I have is finding time with my fiance. His friend is staying on our couch as we're in a one bedroom apt.. this might be TMI but my fiance and I have found that it's extremely difficult to be quiet in bed. if we are quiet, our bed isn't lol. we all have opposite schedules so there's normally only one of us here during the day so it's not like me and my SO can just get it on while our roommate is at work. Any advice? Also, we don't heavily rely on this to be a part of our relaripnship, we'll survive if we have to go a while without getting physical. it's just nice to be able to!