Family pfffft!

I’m a single mum, I work and when I’m not at work I’m with my daughter (which is what any other mum on her is like!) So a month ago precisely the 7th March I ask my mom ‘can you babysit on the 7th April I’ve been invited to a party? Bearing in mind she said yeah and I was constantly reminding her through the month of March about having my daughter (whom is 11 btw so she practically takes care of herself) my moms reassuring me dong worry I’ve not forgotten etc etc.

So what does she do tonight?! I call are you still having my daughter n she’s like oh my boyfriends here!! I actually told her when I asked her to babysit if she couldn’t do it I’d get a babysitter sorted and my moms giving it all the “ don’t leave my grand-daughter with a babysitter crap I’ll have her but puts her bf first! I know I may sound like a spoilt brat but I NEVER ask my mom to have my daughter all I wanted was just one night and my mom would rather be with her bf!!!

Why would she do this I’m actually upset by her actions because my daughter was looking forward to seeing her grandma not her grandmothers bf 😔