Is this bleeding normal? (lots of pictures)

Hi everyone. This is my second pregnancy and I am anywhere from 3-5 weeks. Not exactly sure as I haven’t seen my OB yet. I took an at home pregnancy test on March 31st and there were faint positive lines on all of them. Then the next day, on Easter morning I took another one and the line was much darker. Also did a digital and it was positive. Went to the doctor a few days ago for a blood and urine test and it also confirmed positive. The next day a lady from the doctors office called me back and said that my doctor wanted me to come back in on Monday (2 days from now) for another blood test as my levels weren’t high enough to be able to tell how far along I was. She said that my levels were 530 and that she is guessing that I just caught it really early and that I am probably about 3 weeks. When I used all of the online calculators and put in my LMP (which was March 1st), it said that I am a little over 5 weeks, so I am confused. Anyway, I have been having some spotting I guess you’d call it. The ONLY time it ever showed up when I wiped was today, and it wasn’t that much. But any other time I’ve seen the spotting/blood was ONLY when I inserted toilet paper with a finger to check. Just this past Thursday was the first time I checked by inserting toilet paper, and it was very very very light pink. I’ve been checking since and each day it seems to get darker, and more of it. But it’s never when I wipe, it’s only when I insert toilet paper in there to check, so it’s by no means gushing or dripping out (sorry, so gross I know!). And nothing at all is on my underwear. And sometimes during the day I will check by inserting toilet paper and I get nothing. Other times I’ll do it and there is barely any there but what is there is dark, old looking blood. And then probably about once or twice a day there will be more of it and it is brighter/darker in color. Not like bright red lipstick 2nd or 3rd day period blood, but darker, more prominent in color. I’m sorry for all this rambling! I know I’ve written a ton, I’m just so worried and nervous and wanted to see if anyone has had spotting like this when they checked by inserting toilet paper and everything turn out ok? Again it’s not dripping out, nothing at all shows up on my underwear. I am just so confused and so scared! Here is a picture of what showed up today when I inserted toilet paper to check (very last pictures are the ones from today, I have them all dated, in order. Also, the dates are on TOP of each picture, not underneath). This is as red/dark as it has been so far. But then later today I will check and there probably won’t be this much and it probably won’t be this dark. Or there may not even be any at all. It’s just like it comes and goes. So weird. Please help!

(Saturday, March 31st)

(Saturday, March 31st)

Saturday, March 31st)

(Sunday, April 1st)

(Thursday, April 5th)

(Thursday, April 5th)

(Thursday, April 5th)

(Thursday, April 5th)

(Yesterday, Friday, April 6th)

(Yesterday, Friday, April 6th)

(Yesterday, Friday, April 6th)

(Today, Saturday, April 7th)

(Today, Saturday, April 7th)

(Today, Saturday, April 7th)