Not okay to have a bad day.


So today, for no reason I know of, I am very down in the dumps. It is about 3 days before my period so I am sure that has something to do with it and this kinda mood seems to be on a cycle. Anyway, me being in this type of mood seems to really affect my husband. He pretty much gets mad at me and says I am ruining his day off, why do I always do this, if nothing is wrong then what is wrong with me.... so on and so on. Let me say that my husband and I have a great relationship but all relationships have areas that need work. But he makes me feel even more down when he starts in. He just left to take trash to the dump and run to Home Depot. He took the little man (2yr) with him. I asked if I could go and he flatly said no. He tried to give me alone time last week that I didn’t take and he said I had no choice this time and he didn’t care what I did, “go get in bed, I don’t care”. I know part of him is tying to be helpful but now I feel even worse. I hate being this emotionally charged. Ugh. Just needed to vent.