We’re at Children’s Hospital... UPDATE #4


Friday night at 9pm my babygirl wriggled our of daddy’s arms. He caught her before she hit the floor but force of her fall and him catching her caused her head to whip backwards. I was at work but daddy kept an eye on her after that and she seemed fine.

At 10:30pm I got home and found him crying and covered in puke. We immediately rushed her to Children’s ER. They took us back to the trauma unit for an ultrasound, x-rays, and a CT scan.

At 3am Saturday morning they put us in PICU for bleeding on her brain. They monitored her overnight to watch her brain activity for any seizures.

Around noon on Saturday they had her eyes examined and discovered hemorrhaging behind her right eye. They scheduled her for a MRI at 2:30pm. The MRI took over 3 hours. Thankfully they didn’t discover any further injuries or damage to her brain.

They moved us to the Neuroscience wing so they can keep an eye on her. Around 8pm Saturday night they told me to try and feed her for the first time since we’ve been here (she’s on an IV). She immediately threw it all up. She threw up again around 11pm.

8am Sunday morning she woke us up vomiting again. She proceeded to throw up throughout the entire day. We aren’t allowed to go home until she can hold her food down and starts acting like herself again. She sleeps most of the time but when’s she’s awake she’s very cranky and you can tell she’s in pain. But thankfully we are off most of the monitors for now. I

UPDATE: Babygirl is starting to do better. She has been awake a lot more. But they told me if she doesn’t start eating more they’re gonna have to put her on a tube. Fingers crossed we can start nursing more without her throwing up.

UPDATE #2: I thought we were going to go home today. She was eating good and wasn’t throwing up much (no feeding tube needed) but around 11:30am today she started throwing up real bad. Looks like leaving has been delayed for now. Let’s just hope she doesn’t get bad enough they do put her on the feeding tube!! Keep praying for my babygirl please. And thank you for all the support so far!


UPDATE #4: We’ve spent the last 24 hour at home and I feel like the reality of this is finally hitting me full force. I feel so sad and hopeless. I’m so worried about the long term effects of this and I feel like a failure. I’m trying so hard to be strong for my babygirl! She’s had such a bad day. She’s been inconsolable all day and I just want to make it all better but I can’t. 😞

Anyways here’s a picture of her sleeping on mommy today...

UPDATE #5: So it’s been a while since I updated but if anyone cares my babygirl is doing good. We had our follow up appointments and did stay in the hospital one night recently. She has some fluid buildup on her brain that they are monitoring. We have another MRI coming up and if it hasn’t started to drain they said they will have to intervene. But otherwise she’s a happy and healthy baby!