Success stories after seeing heartbeat?

Can anyone share some positive stories of seeing a heart beat around 6 weeks and then seeing one again?? Had a missed miscarriage last December at 8w4d when we went for our 9 week ultrasound. Now I’m pregnant again and 8w5d today... had first ultrasound this time at 6 weeks and baby was doing great heard heartbeat and measured at 6w4d at 135bpm... next ultrasound is in 4 days at 9 weeks and based on what happened before I’m understandably nervous ... it doesn’t help that I have zero pregnancy symptoms. Can anyone share some positive stories of having one miscarriage and then next time after u saw heartbeat early after that u did too? Just terrified and can’t stop thinking about it... Friday can’t come soon enough. I’m hoping that Bc we already saw Hb at 6 weeks and doc said it was strong, that’s a good sign that all is still good.