Baby girl is here 💘


On Wednesday, March 21st my water broke around 10 pm at 38 weeks exactly. I started having regular contractions around midnight and at 3am we headed to the hospital. We got checked in right away and I got checked for dilation and was only 1cm! They tested the fluid to see if it was really my water and it was so they put me on Pitocin to get my contractions back on track and get the dilation progressing. At 9am I was checked and was 3 cm so slowly progressing. Since my water broke they checked for dilation very little to decrease the chance of infection. I didn’t get fully dilated until 10pm at which time we started pushing. About an hour in they checked to see how far the baby progressed and she moved very little. The Dr. told me she would give me 3 hours to try and push the baby to the point in my birth canal that we could use a vacuum to guide her out. About another hour in and the epidural started to fade so I began feeling every contraction and pushed through for a total of 3.5hrs. I was checked and baby only moved 1cm in 3.5 hours. We could have tried vacuum but it would likely fail so my biggest fear became my reality and I was prepped for a c section. They finally topped off my epidural which allowed me to sleep momentarily and I woke up to the c section happening. At 2:16 am on 3/23 baby girl finally arrived after 28 hours of labor. The cord was wrapped around her body in a way that made it impossible for her to move. So happy we elected the c section and not the vacuum because we likely would have ended up in an emergency c section situation. Healing from the c section has been much easier then I imagined!

I’m so in love.