A Poem We Can All Relate To


Hey ladies,

After yet another unwelcome AF this morning, and then seeing a statistic for National Infertility Awareness Week, I sat down with tears in my eyes and wrote this poem. I feel like you guys could appreciate it.

Seven out of eight people will never know

The feeling of emptiness that comes

When yet another month’s worth of hope drains from their heart

Like the water flushing down the drain.


Seven out of eight women will never have

To sit in the bathroom straining their eyes

To just find that second line

Praying that, for once, they will find it.


Seven out of eight souls will never bear

The heart-wrenching struggle

Of wanting so badly to feel life inside them

And the paralyzing fear that they never will.

Seven out of eight bodies will never have to

Turn down invitations to baby showers

And birthday parties for people they love

In fear of ruining them with their tears.


Seven out of eight minds will never comprehend

How it is possible

To be happy for someone at the same time

That your heart is crippled with jealousy.


Seven out of eight people will never hate themselves

For at times being bitter and angry

At someone with a bump

And feeling like they deserve it more.


Seven out of eight families will never have to

Shell out thousands of dollars

To get poked, prodded, and tested,

Just to attempt to accomplish what drunken teens do every day.


Seven out of eight couples will never even consider

Scheduling love making around the lines on a pee stick,

And trying to keep the passion alive

While laying practically in a headstand after it’s over.


Seven out of eight ladies will never bargain with God;

Crying while swearing to the powers above

That they will never complain about anything again

If they can just “suffer” that morning sickness and swelling.


Seven out of eight hearts will never break

At the thought that they will never feel complete,

As they lay in a hospital bed,

Cradling the tiny life they have created.


So if you are one of those seven:

Count your blessings,

Hug your babies,

And think before you speak;

Because I am 1 in 8.

~Elizabeth Hayes


Baby dust to all of you!

[If you choose to share, please just leave my name as credit!]