Is this abuse?

My ex and I dated for a year and a half (were both 16 and in high school) then he mysteriously broke up with me for no reason 8 days before prom, so i told my best friend she could have his ticket because I didn’t want to go alone. When I told him he publicly cussed me out. He said multiple times that I was a “stupid f**king b****” and that I needed to “f**k off” and that I “never deserved him” When we were dating he would never blow up on me except slightly when I said I didn’t want to try sex because I didn’t want to risk getting pregnant at 16 because I have plans on going into nursing school and becoming a pediatric nurse. But now that we’ve broken up he’s been very aggressive towards me despite saying he wants to be friends. He calls me ugly, stupid, and the worst mistake he ever made. I’m not entirely sure what to do, he’s talking bad about me to a lot of our mutual friends, which has caused a lot of my friends to stop talking to me and he’s told some of my teachers that I cheated on him in addition to everything else. I’ve included a screenshot of discussing prom tickets because it’s easier shown than explained.

Does anyone have any advice for me I’m not sure how to handle this situation?

EDIT: He said he wants to come back into my life but only if I have sex with him.

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