Is he a fuckboy or just like sex?


I went on this date with this guy and it went great and all, we ended up hooking up but nothing more. He kept texting me afterwards and always tries to continue the conversation, asking how my day was and everything to try continue it.

But he said to me he doesn't really have any friends so I don't know if that's out of boredom.

On the second date it was at night and we went to the wharf talked and he said if I wanted to go back to his. We then went back to his and said hi to his dad and sister who were at home.

I slept with him and on the way home he was holding my hand in the car and then messaged me again after.

The third date this time were going to movies.

Normally fuck boys I've delt don't bother trying to get to know me and didn't bother trying to go out anywhere with me

Is it to early for me to make an assumption