Exciting Glow Update Coming Soon!

Rachel • Glow Community Manager

We have a brand new version of Glow headed your way, with some big and exciting updates!

* The home page is getting a makeover that puts the most important information front and center. 

* OPK photo log – with instant analysis! Take a photo of your OPK strip and let our algorithms do the work of interpreting it. 

* We’re adding in a new “analysis” tab on the home page as well that will let you look over all of your charts and data in one convenient place. 

* Click on the cycle icon on the home page to get a detailed explanation of what your chances of pregnancy are that day and other information relevant to your fertility!

* Need to edit, view, or add a log in the past? Now instead of scrolling back through weeks and weeks, you’ll be able to access it directly from the calendar.

* Improved pregnancy logging and experience, including “healing from a loss” status. 

* Chat will now be open to all users, not just Premium users! To prevent it from being abused by spammers, you will have to have used Glow for a month before you’ll be able to start a chat. 

* Add a log like you add a post – if you want to add more detailed logs, just click the floating + in the lower right hand corner. This should make the process of logging a lot smoother!