Sorry for my vent


AF due 15th of April. Just tested on the digital pregnancy test. Came up Not Pregnant!

Back in 2010 at my 12 week ultrasound I was told no heart beat to my baby inside of me.

Ever since then I have felt empty inside. I've tried to convince since but with no luck. My heart aches as I'm getting on in my age I'm 34 years old this year. I just feel now that it's just not meant to be. I've been feeling very emotional the last couple of days and can't talk to anyone about it as no one is going through or has gone through what I have to to me they cannot relate. I guess I shouldn't feel sorry for myself, but the lead up to testing there's always this hope within me and that voice talking saying this might be the month all my dreams will come true.! Then to have to endure that pain inside your heart it's just to heartbreaking! Sorry just needed to vent! Xx wish you all lots of baby dust