false labor nightly


38+2 lmp

39+0 conception

unsure of date due to short cycle

I have pretty regular contractions (15min apart) all day every day for 2.5weeks now as time goes even these contractions went from uncomfortable twinges to I grunt with pain but at 4-8every night they get closer and stronger to where I cry

week 1: 7 min

week 2: 5 min

week 3: 3 min

only 50%effaced n 1cm dilated n babys head is 0 as of 2 days ago

seriously can't sleep well meds don't really help so always tired irritable and in pain. 1 obgyn dr says they'll induce with membrane sweep as early as 39 weeks midwife said 41. hopefully I can get the sweep n spark some cervical change before the sleep deprivation makes me to exhausted to push