Tips to go down 42lbs

I've been struggling with my weight since I was about 12, but I've hit my highest weight which is 188 and I'm currently 19. I have made it to my weight goal in the past of 135 (2 years ago) , but due to traumatic events in my life I let myself gain my weight back plus way more. I drink water everyday all day and soda is a rare thing that it's basically became a once a month thing. I eat plenty of fruits and veggies and keep an eye on portion control. It's so hard for me to find motivation to push myself to do exercises. My boyfriend helps in that situation, he pushes me to play basketball with him, go on walks with him and his dog. He does not take a no for an answer and I deeply love him for that. If I don't do my exercise for a day, he tries pushing me to do them with him at his house but I refuse because he's toned and then there's me who's bigger, so I feel so insecure that I start crying. I love him with all my heart and appreciate everything he does for me. I was wondering if you have any advice for motivation, exercises to do at home ( I don't like gyms ), eating plans?