the dreaded week 9

Lyndsay • Mother of 3 ❤ 10/03/10, 10/13/16 & 11/07/18

Idk about anybody else but I'm at 9 weeks and 1 day, I think; and I feel like absolute SHHHH! week 7 was rough but nothing like this, week 8 i was cool as a clam. na, not 9. My morning sickness came back full force, extreme fatigue and today I have sinus pressure and it feels like I breathed in water. not cool. this is pregnancy number 3 [with a baby that actually made it passed the 5 week mark] and it's literally a mirror image of my last pregnancy with my son. the babies will be just over 2 years apart so I wouldn't mind another boy. but I'm looking for the light at the end of the tunnel right about now.