Don’t really know what to do

So I’ve been with my boyfriend going on 7 months now. I had gotten an apartment (which is my first apartment) so that we wouldn’t have to go to hotels and etc plus I was tired of staying with people and having to replace my things (inwhich I’ve been doin since I stayed home with my parents that raised me). We got into argument and some hits were passed in which I started the hitting first because he keeps saying I’m always lying when he barely listens to a lot that I say and when he does it’s an answer to it. Things that we were arguing about was my plasma card, my cell phone, my ss card, rent, and me working; my plasma card was in his pants pocket that I checked several times and never did see it, my cell phone I rather pay main bills first and then my cell phone; my ss card is still missing, as far as rent I could’ve had that taking care of the way that I wanted to before his friends came to stay with us when we made our 3rd week of being in the apartment and as far as Work my current job won’t answer the phone so that I can return back to work. I could get help but from my family but the first thing that will be hollered is “don’t you have a boyfriend?” And if they come over the next thing will be “how are you struggling when there are three people plus six animals staying with?” In which his mother cane over here last week going off about how the apartment looks and what’s in it when we both agreed that we were not going to bring family over until we had somewhere for them to sit. Now I’m stuck in a bind and confused on what I should do. Oh yeah there are also chances that I might’ve been pregnant but never retested prior to having an asthma attack due to an allergic reaction.