Seriously I Have A problem


So anyone else testing 6 days before "missed period"? I'm sitting here like a brat all down and shit because 4 .... yes that's right 4 negative hpt results... I know I'm testing early but my stupid head keeps saying maybe just maybe it'll show up early coz it did last time... but I just really need that rainbow baby, every other mofo is pregnant, and even some of the Mum's who had their baby's around the same time is what I had my daughter are up the duff already and putting up photos on social media accounts..... it just upsets me coz this coming Sunday I would have been 17 weeks along... what the hell is wrong with me? oh and to top it off I have pms/pregnacy symtoms like aches and pains, reflux, sore boobs (under the arm pit) slight headaches.... all I want it to be pregnant and have everything go right. I don't care if my pregnacy goes for a year and that I get the size of a house just want my last baby to complete my family, this will be the last baby.