Friends with ex’s???

I’ve been with my other half for nearly 3 years now we’ve been married since July and she likes to be friends with ex’s..considering throughout our relationship these ‘friends’ haven’t bothered with her and one popped up out the blue complaining about her life and my other half wants to go meet up with her and gain a friendship back..My other half went back to this ex loads of times even when she got treated like shit anyways we had a big argument about it and I was ready to leave because how is that fair on me? She wasn’t taking into any considering how I would feel, anyways she said that she needs to think about what choice to make...she’s my wife! We are married! There shouldn’t be a choice! Anyways a couple of days later she told me she would rather have a marriage then a friendship and that was fine, I’m not comfortable with my other half being friends with ex’s why would anybody be okay with it? anyways this morning I got up with our 2 year old And our 2 year old likes to go on our iPad and found out my other half have messaged her ex!!!! her ex has recently broken up with her current girlfriend and my other half messaged her!!! Like what the actual fuck!!!! She has also deleted Facebook messenger off the iPad so I can’t see her messages? How sneaky is that!!!! I’m 37 weeks and 5 days pregnant and I just can’t take it anymore. There is no need for all of this. I’m ready to walk away from all of this now. I shouldn’t have to deal with all of this she says one thing but does another thing.