Help ?


How do you be less clingy / needy ?? I only get to see my bf on weekends we live 40 mins away from each other. We’ve been together 2 years in June. He’ll text me all day cause he knows it makes me happy and I feel anxious and get really worried if I don’t hear from him. But he said last night that I don’t realize how needed I am because his friends said it’s not normal to text as much as we do. But like if he didn’t want to talk why is he ? From the beginning he would always text me a lot I thought it was normal. I thank him all the time for everything he does for me and I appreciate it because I know I’m a handful. I just want to know away not to be so clingy and needie and less attached I guess. He didn’t ask me to not be but it’s not the first time he’s said I’m clingy and stuff but the way he says it sounds like it’s a bad thing but when I ask him if it is he say I don’t care.