39 Weeks 2 days and Disappointed! CERVADIL INDUCTION????


Due April 17th and had my 39 week appointment today and Dr. said I’m barely a centimeter dilated, 70% effaced and baby is still high. I’m not even progressed enough for a sweep 😫 . Scheduled my induction for the 23rd to do Cervadil if I’m not dilated at least 3 cm . If I get to at least 3 then she said she will skip the Cervadil and just do induction on the 24th 41 Weeks. Any of you ladies ever had the Cervadil???

On top of that , I have BV she said she won’t treat me for because it will probably flush out when baby comes , so I just have to live with the symptoms. Only positive is that I for sure will meet babe in 12 days ! But that’s like 18387484939 years in pregnancy days . 😩😞 Lord give me patience and strength!