
Okay, I need some outside advice. My daughter will be 9 this year. Her dad & I haven’t been together since she was a year & half. He wasn’t ever an involved dad. His mom took over the role of a “parent” Because he was too busy out running a muck. Well when she was 2 I took him to court for custody, filed for full custody, but decided it wasn’t fair for my daughter to be taken from her dads family (she’s the only grandchild) so we decided she’d go over there every weekend & that’s what it’s been since she was 2. Now fast forward to all the years that have past. He has become a better person but not a better parent let alone co-parent. My daughter is involved in sport which we both agreed to put her in. Since she started school he has yet to come/go to any parent teacher conferences, any awards & ceremonies. She started her season in baseball about a month & half ago & practices about 3 he has yet to take her to practice & has only came to 2 games. I try to include him as much as I can for her sake, because it’s always a “My daddy had work today again” after a game or anything else. So I make it a point for her to listen to me tell him about her games or her school days or anything for that matter. So today I called him to ask if he wanted to enroll her in Soccer cuz the season is right around the corner & the response I got from him is “Dude you can do whatever YOU want if you want to put her in a sport then do so yourself, you don’t need to inform me of anything I will do my own thing with my lady & without you. You don’t need to call me with any updates on her games or her school you seriously act like we’re together & you have to call me for any little thing” obviously I was hurt & angry because I don’t do it for me I do it for my daughter so she can see that he’s interested in what she does & see that he’s trying to be involved but instead I get that. So with that being said I want peoples input on the situation. I feel that in order for him to realize that it’s not about us it’s about her he has to take parenting classes because I don’t think he understands the concept of coparenting. Also I’m so sorry it’s long I just need to vent & need some outside input. & thank you for taking your time to read.