Need serious help nickname for Michael

So me and my boyfriend found out we’re having a boy he wants to name him Michael after his father that passed when he was young I wanted to call him Micah because Michael just doesn’t seem to fit a baby and I just didn’t want to call him that but he won’t let me because he has a little cousin he doesn’t even know and has one bad memory of this kid and completely threw it out saying he will never call his kid that. I also don’t want the normal mike Mikey Micki I just don’t like them I need help like it can’t be a random name because this name will be more like a first name than a nickname you know. Any suggestions?? Like he threw that down and I seriously wanna cry which is stupid but I don’t wanna call him any of those other names it just doesn’t fit at all to me

UPDATE: also the middle name is Ryan which is my boyfriends first name