Have any of you found out you were pregnant with negative hpt?

I know the chances are fairly low but I’m getting confused each day that passes and still no AF. My LMP was 2/22/2018. I’ve been having irregular periods for a couple years. When my period didn’t come in March I just assumed maybe it’s one of those long cycles that come every once in a blue moon, but they never lasted more than 37 days. I am now on day 51 and getting a tad bit worried. I had a bit of cramping at the beginning of the week where I called my husband to bring me pads just in case, but nothing happened. No spotting and the cramps went away. Aside from being irritated just a bit and the feeling of a sore throat. I have no symptoms.

I have no clue when I ovulate so I have no reference to determine when I could have conceived. I’m actually kind of hoping I’m not, I’ve been drinking fairly heavy for the past few weeks after a death in my family and the last thing I want to do is go through this pregnancy stressing that I may have damaged the baby... I stressed my whole first pregnancy when I was told my son had cyst on his brain which could have been a sign of mental retardation (but he was fine and born on Christmas).