When to tell family?

Chelsea • Married 06.06.15 💍 Dog mom of three 🐶🐶🐶 Angel baby Elliette 05.25.17 🎀 Rainbow baby Porter 5.15.18 🌈 💙

I’ll be 36 weeks tomorrow and I’m a FTM. My husband and I are trying to decide when to let our families know that I’m in labor and going to the hospital. Maybe it’s the hormones but I’m having a lot of anxiety thinking about going into labor because it’s so unpredictable and I’m a planner! The hospital where I’m delivering gives us 2 hours after the baby is born before allowing visitors back to the room. My thought is, what if I have a really long labor and I’m so exhausted afterwards and not ready for visitors? I know I can say I need more time but I know myself and I know if there’s a waiting room full of people that have been there for hours on end and then they have to wait an additional 2 hours after he’s born, they’re going to be anxious to meet him and I would feel guilty making them wait even longer. I sincerely hope I’m wrong and I hope I want everyone to come back there as soon as possible but I just keep thinking, what if I’m not ready and I want to soak up those first few moments of us becoming a family of 3?

All of this to say, our current plan is to wait until he is born to let our families know but I know they will be hurt and disappointed that we didn’t tell them sooner. I keep reminding myself that I have to take care of myself and my baby first even if that means others aren’t happy. Have any of you waited until the birth to let your family know? Or did anyone have their family waiting the whole time and it really wasn’t as bad as I’m imagining it to be?