Anatomy Scan Re-Do?


Is it possible to ask for another ultrasound if you don’t feel confident about the first one?

I had my anatomy scan yesterday and I still feel so uneasy. The baby was facing my back so they couldn’t get a proper look of his profile. What if there’s an issue with his face and they can’t see it? Like a cleft lip or something? Also, she gave me a picture of the “boy parts” and for some reason it doesn’t look right. The ultrasound I paid for at 15 weeks looked much better, but this one, I can’t even tell what I’m looking at! I swear it looks like his parts are not placed right, If that makes sense. I had some issues with my placenta and umbilical cord attachment with my daughter (if I had given vaginal birth, I was told I would have bled out so it was a blessing in disguise that I needed a CS), and the tech didn’t really check even though I asked her if she could. She obviously had to look at the placenta but was so quick with it, I don’t even know if she actually checked anything. She was super nice and assured me everything was fine with the baby, but I feel like it wasn’t as thorough as the anatomy scans I’ve had before. This was a high risk anatomy scan too, with MFM. I was told it was going to last awhile and be more in-depth than a typical anatomy scan, but it was quicker than the one I had with my daughter and she was a completely normal pregnancy. Because everything looks okay, I won’t need to go back but honestly, I don’t feel assured at all.

This pregnancy I have felt more paranoid and stressed than I have in previous pregnancies. I feel like the fact that it’s high risk and I had a rocky start to this pregnancy, and I have a increased risk of preterm birth, makes me worried that everything will go wrong. Is it possible that I can ask my OB to give me a quick check herself? Because I don’t feel confident as to everything being okay? Have any of you had uneasy feelings after a scan? I know they’re skilled and they know what to look for, so I should trust everything is okay if they say it is. But I just don’t feel right. 😔