Baby weight still 😤

I lost a lot of my baby weight the first 6/8 weeks pp. It was literally dropping off every day. I was worried I was losing the weight too quickly. I went from 155 to 135 (my normal weight pre pregnancy was 130) very fast and didn’t like that because I was trying to be healthy and breastfeed.

I finally stabilized at around 140 for a few months. But now I gained it all back!! Have no idea why it won’t come off. I’m not doing anything different I did before I got preggers and never had any weight issues. My baby weaned herself off the breast at 6 months (after her bottom teeth came in she repeatedly refused my boob).

Anyone going through this or know what gives? Maybe I need to be more patient? I am 5’7” I don’t look fat or anything but I’m just not used to being this weight. A lot of my clothes don’t fit still and my shoes are too narrow. My belly looks bloated like I am 4 months preggers. I don’t drink alcohol or caffeine I am srsly stumped.