Maybe i sound like a big baby but i need to vent

mamahenny • 25, FTM to my baby boy 🐳💙, Bay Area 🌻🌎✨

I’m so disappointed in myself being 24 and still crying about not having friends. And it makes me so sad because all i want is to have one girlfriend that’ll rock for me the way I’ll rock for them that understands me on the same frequency. My boyfriend is my best friend but it sucks not having another woman to talk to that understands. I see all these groups of girlfriends that are all hella tight together and I’m just like I wanna take girl trips and go on vacations and stuff too 😭😭 i love so strongly and deeply and maybe that pushes people away but i just wanna see my whole circle thrive and love their best lives. I’m just tryna take on the world with one friend because i feel like i deserve that much /endrant

Future best friend, if you’re out there, hey girl I’m waiting on ya 👋🏼