Calling all mom bods! ❤️


I feel like it’s all too common for women to look at their postpartum bodies and feel ‘ruined’ or less beautiful because of stretch marks or even c-section scars. I’ve seen too many posts about ‘never wearing a bikini again’ or ‘ignore my stretch marks’.

Ladies, don’t you realize? You made an entire person.

In your body.

Behind those stretch marks and scars is the first place your baby called home. The first place they felt safe. The first place you felt them wiggle, hiccup, and kick. The first time you fell in love with the tiny person you created.

Those marks and scars aren’t ugly. They’re undeniably gorgeous reminders of this amazing journey you’ve gone through to bring your sweet little baby into this world. They are a prize. They are trophies. They are magnificent.

Please, please never hide them away from the world. Wear them with so much confidence.

You are beautiful.

Your stretch marks are beautiful.

Your scars are beautiful.

Your breasts, that may sag from feeding are beautiful.

And your babies were and are so worth it all.

This is me. I had a baby last December, and a pregnant induced emergency cholecystectomy at the beginning of April that resulted in five incisions that will scar once healed.

I’ve had countless people make comments like “You won’t ever get to wear a bikini again.” and “Why would you want anyone to see you like that? It’s embarrassing.”

But I’ll never understand how anyone could see them like this. These marks are my battle scars from a pregnancy I was promised I’d never experience. They are the promise that I would one day hold my son in my arms. They are a treasure that I am privileged to see in the mirror as I get out of the shower or when I change my clothes.

I want nothing more than for all of you beautiful, strong women to realize just how amazing you are, marks, scars, and all.

You’ve done the absolutely most incredible thing anyone can ever do, and you’ve got the proof right here on your skin.

Don’t ever, ever let anyone cut you down.

Let’s see some beautiful mothers in the comments. Lift each other up. Spread the love that everyone deserves.

You are all so very amazing.

Edit: I want to add this as well. I just came across it and it’s extremely relevant.