4 days late, any advice

Claire🌈🌸🌴 • Previous stillbirth 👣👼🏼 now Mother of 3💕

Ok so my period is 4 days late, (periods irregular, I bleed every 8 days due to being on the depo in the past). Had my normal period symptoms before I should of come on like sore breasts the day before and slight cramping. Period day came but no bleeding.. still had my symptoms of sore breasts and mild cramping every now and then like I would if I was on my period. Period lasts usually about 4 days and during the 4 days I’ll have my symptoms until the last day where it lessens like it is today, my breasts are not as sore and I haven’t had really any cramping. I did a pregnancy test but it was negative but I was only on my period 4/4/18 which wasn’t long ago. So testing now probs wouldn’t show a positive if I was. The day of my period I had a large amount of non smelling white thick discharge. Now it’s not so bad, slight white discharge in my knickers, no need to wear a pad either. It’s driving me crazy as I want to know if I’m going to come on or not 😫😂 my cervix is very high up and firm, does this mean anything? Not really sure when to test either

Any advice??

Thank you