Spotting on Provera?


Ok, so I posted a few days ago asking how long it took others to get their period while on provera. My doctor prescribed 10mg for 10days. I’ve always had regular periods, but this month my body is putting me through emotional hell. I spotted the morning of the day that provera was called in for me. So I didn’t take the meds, thinking af came. But when I saw that there was nothing after that until the next morning, I called the doctor. Doctor told me to take provera. Took provera Friday morning. Friday night, had what looked like a light period (some flow). Though that was it. But then Saturday I just had spotting. Called the doctor again and she said that spotting doesn’t count ( I have to go for hsg and an 8 hr fast workup). She told me to finish out the 10 days of provera and I should get a full period a few days after that. Anyone ever go through this?

It’s so frustrating to feel like every obstacle gets thrown in the way. Always had a regular period and now that I need my period to get tested and see why we’re not conceiving, my period disappeared...