How to start sending nudes and not be awkward HELP

So I think this is gonna be like really lame but I’ve been in a relationship for almost 9 months and he has never asked for nudes. I don’t know why sometimes I think he doesn’t not find me attractive or don’t like me is so confusing because I found out his ex sent him nudes ( he kinda told me while telling me a story) and our sex is good I mean yeah of course I love it but we something spend 3 o 4 weeks without having any ( we don’t live together , and we sex in my house but my parents visit a lot and he obviously cant come and he said he doesn’t like to have sex in other places car any other place than my house which I find very wtf and weird I mean he’s a boy they love sex right?) I sometimes think he’s cheating on me or I don’t know I’m very confuse. I want to start sending him nudes just because I’ve never done it and I want that know his reaction. Any tips or thoughts about if I should do it?