Pregnant with my 5th boy

Jessica • #mommyto5boys #wife💍 #June2008💙 #May2010💙 #July2012💙 #July2014💙 #July2018💙 #february2020💗

I don’t even know where to start but I wanted a girl and this is our last baby and I’m getting my tubes tied after this one. And it’s so real now that I’ll never have a daughter and I think something has to be wrong with me for God to know I am not able to care for a girl. So now when I see baby girls or know someone is pregnant with a girl i feel like they have something I obviously don’t and I don’t even want to surround myself with girls because I guess all I know are boys. And some days I find myself not wanting this baby and other days I find myself happy that I’m an all boy Mom and me and my husband wanted this baby. I have been putting his nursery together and it helps and then some days I shut the door because it’s not pink. Idk I just want to get over it and not think about it but people remind you 247 especially out in public like wow all boys no girl? Like no she’s not hiding anywhere but thanks for reminding me I don’t have a daughter.