Spotting TMI

Breanna • ♊I'm 22 and Canadian. 🍁 Pansexual and proud of it 🌈 First time mom to William Gerald born 04/20/18 👶🏼💕

So I’m 40 & 1 I had a doctors appointment last night at 5pm to check where I was at because it was my due date, they did another membrane sweep so of course there was a bit of blood, nothing out of the ordinary. Bleeding and spotting had stopped by the time I got up this morning (8am ish) it’s now 3pm and I’m having some spotting again? It’s not like bright blood or anything. It looks like the same pinkish brown as what I got from my membrane sweep but it’s happening almost 24 hours after the sweep after it had already stopped? Should I be concerned and go to the maternity ward or is it probably just more spotting from the sweep?

Baby was crazy active all night and has been fairly active throughout the day too. I’ve been WAY hungrier than usual today and had a really liquidy and VERY dark bowel movement just now. I also haven’t really had many signs of impending labour so far, was only 1cm dilated last night and am scheduled to be induced on Monday.


It’s quarter after 9pm now. There was no more spotting after I posted this, still no contractions either. I think it was likely just from my membrane sweep. Baby has been crazy active all day so I’m really not worried anymore. Thank you to those of you who commented 💕