Boyfriend’s friend pretty long but I need help 😕 unsure what to do

Not sure where to post this and I’m sorry for this topic but I’ve never experienced or known someone who has talked about suicide before. My boyfriend’s friend ( we’ll call him Adam) has been known to make suicidal comments before but everyone just brushes it off like it’s nothing cause he’s never actually done anything to hurt himself just said something about it.

Adam is only 21 and has a serious drinking problem like he drinks from the time he gets off work till he falls asleep. He says the alcohol used to work to relieve his stress and hurt, but it doesn’t work for him anymore. He’s having relationship problems and problems at home. His girlfriend is threatening to leave him if he doesn’t get his own place soon because she thinks he isn’t ambitious enough. He’s been with her since 2014 so she knows how his home life is. He doesn’t want to live there because of how his family treats him but he’s really not in the position to get his own place. He doesn’t really have the chance to save money cause his parents make him pay bills and other things around the house while his siblings don’t have to do anything besides exist. I really feel bad for how he is mistreated he definitely has it hard.

I’ve know him a year and a half. Adam used to be cheerful, happy, laughing, and cracking jokes when we would all play video games together. Before all of this happened he would always be on ps4 but not recently now when he’s not at work he’s constantly drinking and sleeping as much as he can until he has to get up to go to work. Adam and I arent close we’ve just talked the times I was with my boyfriend and we hung out and on the video game chat. It bothers me that I’m more concerned than the ones who are close to him.

Idk how I can help or how often he had said it in the past but it really worries me that he talks about hurting himself, killing himself, and saying how things would be better if he was dead. Nobody takes him seriously or does anything just pretty much ignores when he mentions it. This is the second time since I’ve known him for him to talk about it. Both times has been months apart. I feel like he needs help. I dont know how or what I can do to help him. I’m not even supposed to know my boyfriend was telling me about it (he tells me everything). I tried to make my boyfriend realize how serious this is. Adams family, girlfriend, and another friend in their group know about this. They just keep saying it’s okay that he’s talked about it before. To me it seems like they feel like he’s crying wolf but in my mind what if he does decide to go through with it one day and nobody tried to help him then it will be too late 😕