

Finally, tonight I've started having contractions. They are about 6 mintues apart and don't last long. the bottom of my stomach tightens and my back hurts when I get them but they aren't strong enough for me to say I need to go to the hospital right now.

Plus, she could be faking it and not really gonna come so I'm waiting they say to wait until they are at least 2 mintues apart and than come in. My little girl is already asleep for the night so I don't plan on going unless they increase in strength or become closer together or my water breaks. I'm just excited I'm actually having contractions.

If they stay constant all night I'll be going straight to the hospital in the morning!! I hope they stay constant. I'm so ready for my baby girl to be here so I can hold her and love on her.

I'm 39 weeks today just so everyone knows. :)