C-Section Next Thursday


I had my 38 week appointment this morning and baby is transverse again (spine-up) 😡🤦🏼‍♀️

So, the OB asked if I would be agreeable to scheduling a c-section for next Thursday. Since we live over an hour from the hospital and my risk of a cord prolapse is higher, I agreed to it. Even though it’s not the birth I was hoping for at all. He did say that if I come in that morning and baby is head down, I can opt for an induction if I prefer (since this kid is in a different position every time I’m in there we could take advantage of that situation).

This is my 3rd and the previous two were normal vaginal deliveries, so I’m kind of sad over the prospect of surgery. However not having it be an emergency is nice, and if baby won’t stay in position I feel like this is the less risky option. If we lived near to a hospital I would probably just wait it out, but with GD and polyhydramnios I can see why he’s recommending this route. I don’t really want to go into labor only to end up with an emergency section (they don’t allow breech delivery here).

So, not the best news, but my teenager is going to visit her dad this weekend so my husband and I are going to have one last weekend just the two of us. I’m making peace with the whole idea, and knowing how much time I have left is kind of great in a way (both my other two went past 41 weeks and this one shows no signs of budging either so I doubt it will happen before next week on its own).

I was due May 1, but it looks like we are having an April baby after all!