My mom let some drugies sleep on my bed 😡😣

So my stepdad is a drugie and he has a drugie friend that sometimes comes to see him...

the other day he came with his girlfriend (which i have no idea who she is) all i know is that she can barely speak or walk and seems to have mental illnesses like she kinda gets angry out of a sudden sometimes...

So I stayed over my bf’s house that night bcus it was the weekend and only came back today to find my bed made up and things in different places from where I left them...

i asked my mother and she said “no they went home”, until I got the truth from my 5yo sister that they did sleep on my bed!!! 😣and finally my mom admitted.

Bare in mind: altho i live with my parents, I pay half of the rent, all the furniture in my room was purchased by me as well! She didn’t ask for permission for them to stay! I was so upset bcus it’s not just their house when I pay for it and my room is all my belongings!

I don’t even know if these people have some illnesses or something 😣 I’m going to bleach my room down!