From Being Desperate to have baby, to being desperate to be pregnant 💔


A week ago I was posting regularly about how frustrated I was with being pregnant/overdue and wanting it to just be over. Wanting people to stop asking how I was feeling and when my son would be born. Wanting to be done with frequent prenatal visits, all the aches and pains, the body changes, everything.

My son was born on Monday and he is absolutely perfect. I am so, so in love with him and am grateful and happy he is here. But I also feel an overwhelming sadness and despair about my pregnancy, the anticipation of his arrival, and his birth being over. It's so upsetting for me to fathom that I'm done seeing my amazing doctor regularly. Done feeling baby kick and move inside me. Done waiting to go into labor. Done having my partner's amazing support during labor and delivery (you really can't mimmick the support given in that time). Done bringing my son into the world and taking in his first magical moments while the amazing hospital staff surrounded me and showered me with encouragement. I already miss my son's brand new newborn smell, his wrinkly, squished skin... I miss that feeling of absolute joy, love, and amazement shared with my partner right after birth. I'll never experience those things again and I just feel so incredibly sad about it...

Has anyone else felt this way? I know it has a lot to do with baby blues and will probably pass with time. But right now it is so painful 💔