BFP - Here's the Scoop


My husband and I tried to get pregnant for 16 long months! I spent all of those months on these boards analyzing and critiquing everything I was feeling. Finally on April 2nd we got our first BFP so I wanted to share what I did and what I felt. I was ridiculously sick of tracking stuff and worrying. Plus we were in the middle of infertility testing so we were at the point of "kind of trying" and waiting on results and the next steps. We took an impromptu weekend getaway across the state which happened to be on what Glow said was my most fertile time. Obviously we did the deed but it was the only BD during my fertile window. I thought for sure that we didn't have sex enough to conceive. The TWW was nothing out of the ordinary, see below. In fact I felt completely normal and was sure AF was going to make her debut as always. I was only prompted to test because I usually spot a few days before AF, followed by an hour of hard cramping, and then AF shows the same day. I cramped for 3 days, nothing painful and right in the center of my pubic area, and had absolutely no spotting. AF was due on that 3rd day so I took a test when I got home. I jumped off the toilet when that 2nd line appeared!!! 😂

--Before AF--

LMP: March 5th

OPK tracking: none

BBT: this was my first month tracking and it was sporadic, I knew I had ovulated but I never had a large implantation dip and my temp fluctuated between 97.7 and 98.3 after ovulation. My chart looks like a bunch of mountain peaks.

Results of fertility testing: me normal, but hubby was on the low end of sperm count, 95% abnormal, super low motility (16%?). We were really disheartened by this and thought it was going to take 3 months or so to cleanse our system and get some good swimmers lined up.

Preseed: none we were actually going to start trying that the next cycle

BD: a total of 3 times all month, 1 of those while Glow said I was fertile (March 17th)

Legs up: no, I usually fall asleep and then get up a little bit later and clean up

Next morning: HUGE glob of fertile CM when I went to the bathroom. I assumed it was just baby gravy (tmi I know). Never seen anything like it.

Eating: we started Whole30 March 26th at the recommendation of a friend who was also struggling with infertility and conceived the month they did it. I have tried everything from herbal teas, to pineapple, to avocados, to certain meat and nuts. Anything they say you should eat I would eat. This month, I stopped drinking green tea and had some raspberry tea. I really just ate what I wanted to. I'm also not a big drinker but I had a nice buzz worthy drink the night we went out of town

--After ovulation (2WW)---

Breasts: no more tender than they ever are. They were tender if poked them about a week before AF was due as usual. Nipples weren't sensitive and didn't get darker. Still haven't at 6 weeks btw.

Hunger: Whole30 made me hungry in general so I can't really comment on that lol

Fatigue: nothing unusual

Cramping: felt the exact same as cramps before AF.

Implantation: don't recall an implantation cramp and I had absolutely no spotting ever.

Bathroom trips: no excessive amounts of bathroom trips.

Cervix: surprisingly felt firm and low at the end of the TWW, I don't track this normally but I have before. Plus I'm pretty sure everyone says it should be soft like your lips when pregnant. Not the case for me.

CM: nothing more, nothing less. I'm usually watery leading up to AF, sometimes a little creamy but rarely.

What I have learned from all of our friends: a getaway or anywhere out of your own home and alcohol! We have literally all conceived on those factors alone lol

Currently, I'm 6+3. I just started having more pregnancy symptoms. Breasts are still tender but not painful at all. Nipples are the same color. I'm exhausted, almost fell asleep walking the dogs yesterday. On the other hand, I can't sleep more than 7 hours because I have to pee around then. My bladder must be smaller at this point because I do go more often now. Serious food aversions. No cravings at this point though. Barely any nausea (knock on wood). No headaches, a little dizziness. Cramping here and there but not painful, sometimes on one side sometimes in the middle. I was scared before week 6 thinking something must be wrong though because I felt so normal. I still have had no spotting but that I am thankful for.

All this to say, every pregnancy is different and proof that there is no set symptoms that you must have in order to be pregnant. I'm open to questions if you have any!!!