I still don’t know what happened to me (weed post)


I can’t and haven’t smoked weed in.. years

I started smoking when I was 15? Maybe?

It helped with many things, I really think it’s the only reason I made it through a lot of stuff. It helped with insomnia, anxiety.

It helped me get through an eating disorder.. it gave my mind a break from my eating disorder if that makes sense. It helped my depression better than every single med I was ever put on for it.

But then I turned 19 and weed just.. it started to make me feel really awful. It made my anxiety so much worse. It made my insomnia so much worse. It makes me feel like I’m going to puke. I get paranoid and start to shake and this happened overnight like a switch flipped

Any and all types of marijuana makes me feel absolutely awful. That being said I took a break and then tried smoking again and nope. Still made me feel like shit so I just stopped completely.

Once something makes you feel so bad, especially when it makes you want to throw up, the sight of it or even the thought repulses you. I don’t want to smell it, see it. Keep it away from me. I haven’t touched it in years.

I don’t understand how I can go from loving it, to hating it. It helped and then it suddenly changed and it made everything so much worse.

Well if I can say one thing, I know it’s not a gateway drug. I don’t want to do and haven’t done anything else, ever.

A lot of people I know still smoke and act like I’m imagining this or I’m the first person they’ve ever heard say that. I get offered to smoke and I’m like

The people that I know that have also quit, quit for reasons like their so asked them to stop. My reason is apparently the weirdest one.

I really don’t care if you’re against weed. God wow I don’t care.

I’m trying to find someone who may know or understand what I’m talking about.

It’s not that I want to start smoking again obviously please no. I want to understand what changed. I cannot find anything when I search for this topic.