Midwives brew= my crazy birth story


On Wednesday the 18th I was 38+3 baby girl was avg around 7-8 lbs and I was only 1 cm dilated, but man the pelvic pain, back pain, and Braxton Hicks contractions I was feeling defeated. My husband and I decided to take our oldest to Disneyland on Sunday for our last family of three outing and all that walking did nothing!!! So I decided wth let’s do midwives brew, even though I was skeptical!! So Wednesday even around 8 pm I drank that disgusting mixture, by 10 pm I was having contractions 3-5 mins apart and decided to go to the hospital around 12 am (midnight) just in case this was it (my oldest had a quick birth of 7 hours so I wanted to be prepared) we get to the hospital and I was only a 1 1/2 cm and still had a thick cervix according to the nurse, she said they’d keep me for observation but I’d probably go home in an hour, the moment she walked out of the room my water broke (1am). So we got admitted and that’s when my contractions started having more of a bite to them, by 2:45 I was in so much pain I asked for my epidural, but I didn’t want it before 5 cm, nurse checked me and I was 5 cm, so she went to call the anesthesiologist, about 10-15 mins later I told my husband and mom I have to push they both laughed and said it was just pressure and to just hold on they know I’m in pain my epi will be here soon! I’m flying off the table in pain telling my mom “look” I can feel her head, sure enough my mom looks and goes “omg!” She calls the nurse, she comes walking in saying I was just checked but she will check again, next thing I know there’s 4 nurses around me telling me to push! Which I was already doing with no drugs this baby was coming I could hold it in. So at 3:03 am I have birth to a beautiful 7 lbs 8 oz baby girl! More terrifying and painful thing I’ve ever gone through, but my recovery had been amazing! No tearing and able to walk right away!