Repetitive Cyclescopes - What is going on?

Kitten Anonymous • 💜💕💜💕

The past 4 out of 5 days I have gotten this same Cyclescope. I look forward to this feature of the app because (when it’s working) it’s usually spot on. It truly helps me deal with the emotional ups and downs of my cycle. It helps me keep calm when I know I’m prone to anxiety or stress, but I’m starting to think it’s not accurate anymore due to its repetitiveness.

Also, I’m certain the cyclescope is supposed to refresh at 12am, as it always has... but yesterday mine refreshed at 8pm and then again at 12am... Why?

I just upgraded to the newest version of the app, this morning, but I haven’t noticed any changes inside the app yet. Did the update include any bug fixes?

Does <a href="">Eve</a> have actual Tech Support Moderators who answer questions like this, or is this strictly a forum for the <a href="">Eve</a> community to share their issues and possibly help each other learn how to use the app?