Second Time Moms, Advice?


My daughter was born five, almost six, years ago. I had a carefree pregnancy, absolutely no symptoms aside from heartburn, my water broke the day before my EDD, and contractions never started so I was induced 24hrs later and then the contractions came followed by the birth.

Second time around, this pregnancy is totally the opposite. All sorts of symptoms, now 34 weeks based on scan measurements (however measuring 35 weeks and 35 weeks based on LMP).

Today I've had persistent menstrual type cramps since 6AM. It's an ache in my back and lower abdomen, doesn't go away when I walk around. Wondering if my body is gearing up for labor. Any second time mom's have advice/stories? Because I never experienced natural contractions with my first, I have no idea if I'm feeling contractions or not. I'm trying to use my hand to tell if they're there or not, based on my Google research, but I can't tell!