Pregnancy weight rant

Rachel • Wife 🇪🇨, mommy 👦🏼, Hike it Baby ambassador 🧗🏽‍♀️, Montessori enthusiast 👩🏽‍🏫, photographer 📷

Hi everyone!

So I’m 11 weeks with my first and my husband and I are over the moon excited for our little surprise baby. But, I’m having a lot of issues with family and weight... when we first told his family we were pregnant, the first thing his sister said was, congrats but just don’t put on any weight, you’ll lose your figure and never get it back. 🙄

My grandmother likes to constantly tell me that I don’t need to put on any weight and that I’m already fat. After explaining to her I was 172lbs when we found out at 5 weeks we were pregnant to now, 11 weeks and 164lbs (I was really sick from 5 weeks - 10 weeks), she said, good, you don’t need to put on any weight, the baby gets the bare minimum from what you eat and that’s all it needs. She likes to tell me anytime she visits us and sees me constantly eating, that I need to stop because I’m already fat and I’m going to get much fatter.

My dad has told me several times that I need to be careful to not put on too much weight because I’m already pretty round. He asked today how I was feeling, I told him I’m starting to feel better, just hungry all the time. He said, well, just don’t eat too much, you’ll get as big as a house...

My mom told me today that I don’t need to eat bread and just left it at that.

Yes, I’m technically overweight for my height, 5’9”, but by no means do I need my family telling me their stupid opinions when I’m already emotional and have body issues.

Anyone have any advice on how to handle this stupidity? I’m to the point of telling them to keep their mouths shut!

My amazing husband and I 😍

Our little bump at 10 weeks